New Heavy Sounds meets APF Records in a special all-day riff fest in London on October 9th
It has been, without doubt, the strangest of times and times of all
sorts of isolation.
So we, at New Heavy Sounds and APF Records decided that a great way to
celebrate the opposite of that isolation would be to come together in a
big collaborative gesture of celebration. These strange times have also
shown what great unity there is within the scenes in which we love to
‘do our thing’ and we aim to celebrate that with a day of what we love –
Riffs, heavy stuff, attitude, live music, collaboration, independence,
noise, rocking, fun, community and ‘the scene’.
A fortuitous online meet up of our two labels revealed that we were
mutual admiration societies of what the other was achieving and that,
rather than in competition, we would prefer to present a united front on
our combined take on new heavy music, to take us out of these grisly times.
Our bands concurred and have agreed to present this allied
front in both a live and recorded way.
It was a no-brainer for us that we chose London’s most important small
venue for heavy music, The Black Heart, around which most of London’s
heavy and noise scenes revolve, to host this celebratory event. The
success of the venue’s saving via its crowdfunding campaign during the
Lockdown is testament to its importance.
To add to the celebratory, party vibe, She’s So Heavy Dj’s (including
Harriet and Federica Black Moth) will be providing the sounds between
the live action.
We could think of no better way to, in effect, relaunch as allies.
Not only that every punter will get a free cd compilation featuring bands from both our rosters. Were talking …
Beggar / Grave Lines / Battalions / Limb / Wasted Death / Cold in Berlin
/ Indica Blues / Sky Valley Mistress / Desert Storm / Blacklab / PIST
/Mountain Caller / Video Nasties / Tenebra / Utopia / EMBR
THE BLACK HEART, LONDON ON OCTOBER 9th. TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE NOW FROM HERE AT £15 https://www.seetickets.com/event/nhs-apf-records-unearthly-allies-alldayer/the-black-heart/2005066