Shooting Daggers

Welcome to the sonic mayhem of punk trio Shooting Daggers. Sal, Bea and Raquel are a visceral amalgam of hardcore punk, riot grrrl and metalcore. They describe themselves as a feminist punk/queercore outfit who cite their influences as bands like Gouge Away, G.L.O.S.S, Turnstile and Gel. Quite frankly whoever they’re influenced by, Shooting Daggers’ no holds barred sound and approach is all their own, and really knocked us sideways when we heard it.
For those who can remember, Daggers recall classic elements as well. Think fat grunge licks, speeding 'SST band' riffs, and the artful and political angst of DC Hardcore and all with the coolest of melodic hooks.
They are without doubt, proper punk rock, shit kicking UKHC shorn of vacuous posturing. Possessing a message, an attitude and ’in yer face’ excitement in spades.